Const - определение. Что такое Const
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Примеры произношения для Const
1. Sí, nos consta.
No habra paz para los malvados (2011)
2. Entonces tu trabajo consta en...
3. Me consta. No la pierdas, ¿eh?
La Ley del Deseo (1987)
4. PodrÍa ser. Pero no nos consta.
No habra paz para los malvados (2011)
5. Me consta que ustedes se hicieron cargo de un caso de estupefacientes que relacionaba...
No habra paz para los malvados (2011)
Примеры употребления для Const
1. The group has made significant progress in const...
2. While Turkey has always striven to protect its own citizens first, it now finds itself caught between a const...
3. "We went into the shed and saw him hanging." Det Const Damien Ayling said: "Will seemed to be a very neat and methodical man.
4. The eight victims knew each other and were all from the Toronto area, said police, who characterized the deaths as homicides but declined to release further details. We‘re in the middle of an active investigation right now,‘‘ said Ontario police Const.
5. Chairman of North Wales Police Federation Sgt Tom Rodger said: "We have not been consulted and until I know what these are and what their capabilities are I would not like to respond." Last month Ch Const Brunstrom was attacked by the family of dead motorcyclist Mark Gibney after he showed graphic crash scene pictures of his decapitated head at a road safety conference.